We all have goals
and we struggle to achieve them due to...
No Clear Method
How do I maintain and achieve my goals?
Need for Accountability
Am I committed to the life of my dreams? Who do I have to support me?
Shortfall of Direction
What do I want my life to look like?
How do I make sustainable and lasting improvements?
Lack of Confidence
Am I losing out on opportunities?
It is time to bring your focus to the process .
3 Principles of True Transformation
These principles will lead you to change your thoughts and ultimately change your world.
Grounding & Confidence
Clarity & Alignment
Sustainability & Support
Ask yourself:
Am I ready to begin the process to...
Our Offerings
The Moon Phase
Life Coaching Process
The Lunar Radiance exclusive life coaching process guides you on your journey of self exploration, fulfillment, and radiance. The process utilizes the moon phases as a tool for sustainable transformation.
*Click through below to learn more about each phase.
Phase 1: The New Moon holds space to be intentional. Listen to your intuition and gain clarity towards your vision. Make time to ask yourself the hard questions. What it is that you desire and why? Then set your intentions for the start of the moon cycle.
Phase 2: To encourage and sustain the growth of our intentions from the New Moon it is time to take action. The First Quarter Moon provides the necessary momentum and steps to stimulate genuine change.
Phase 3: It is a time of celebration with all that has come to fruition in the two prior phases. It is important for celebration and expression to occur, regardless of the outcome. Remembering that what is meant to be, will be.
Phase 4: The cycle is coming to an end. You will be preparing to draw inward. Give yourself permission to release, reflect, rest, and renew. Prepare yourself for the new cycle and upcoming opportunities.
Ready to start your Lunar Radiance Journey today?
Expert Life Coach | Moon Phase Enthusiast | Yoga Instructor
Expert Life Coach
Moon Phase Enthusiast
Yoga Instructor
Hi Beautiful! I'm Kayla.
After working with over 200 clients and having influence from the moon phases and yoga philosophy, I decided to take my own approach. I found success which led me to want to share my practices and method with others. The Lunar Radiance Wellness Center was created for you to successfully achieve your goals one moon at a time. My intention is to leave you feeling empowered, aligned, and confident to powerfully walk along your path.
As you begin your journey, know that you do not need to be fearless. You must simply fear less.
Start your Lunar Radiance journey today!